IdentCtl Copyright (C) 2002 Landon Fuller See the file "LICENSE.txt" for further license & liability information If LICENSE.txt was not included with your distribution, please consult: This application allows you to enable and disable the ident server that is included with MacOS X. IdentCtl requires root privileges, and you will be asked to enter an Administrator password. Please take time to understand the security and privacy implications of enabling the ident daemon on your system. If you do not require identd to connect to an IRC server, do not enable the service. The identd service will run at all times, even when you are not connected to IRC or running an IRC client. It will continue to run after you log out of OS X, and even when you reboot. IdentCtl consists of two parts, (the Cocoa front-end), and inetd.tool (a "faceless" backend). The Cocoa front-end is provided as an example of how to use the inetdtool background application. Users might also find it useful :) and inetd.tool use the Authentication Services from the Security Framework in order to authenticate the user before modifying the system. inetd.tool is implemented generically enough to enable and disable any service in /etc/inetd.conf. If you wish to restribute IdentCtl or use any part of it in your own application be sure to read the accompanying license in LICENSE.txt.